QUAD Oa 2021

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QUAD Oa 2021

Moving into 2021 there are some important things WE would like to bring to your attention. First there is a new administration and the potential for a new review of the compliance requirements of Quad Oa. Over the years we have made ourselves Subject Matter Experts with Quad Oa and are working to reach out to small and middle size operators in the field to help them understand and maintain their compliance requirements and keep track of any possible future changes.

Also with 2020’s turmoil in the Oil and Gas exploration, abandoned operations in West Texas, New Mexico, and Montana have left numerous gas wells with no operators to inspect the wellheads. As soon as states begin to perform any inspections, the truth of methane gas leaks will become visible and cleanup issues will begin. With operators gone, the next issue will be who is going to be responsible for the cleanup and if there is not a proactive plan the states will be left with the uphill battle of finding legal cause to  force the oil and gas companies to shoulder the cost of cleaning up the mess. We might see issues similar with the Legacy Lawsuits that have crippled the industry in Louisiana.


All fields are mandatory.